Tuesday, September 2, 2014

IMWAYR - Slacking off a bit

So this week was a little lacking on the reading. A lot of it was I was too tired by the time I got home to pick up a book. I needed to just veg out and not think for a while. Hopefully that will change this week.

At school

The Giver by Lois Lowry - I've never read it, so I decided I should. I haven't started it yet; it's what I plan on reading today during SSR.

At home

A Dragonfly in Amber by Diane Gabaldon - This is the second in the Outlander series, which is about an Englishwoman who is transferred from 1946 Scotland to Scotland in the 18th century. These are pretty thick books (more than 600 pages, so it takes a bit to get through them).

Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor - This is the third book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. Usually I get bored in a series with the second one - typically because it is setting up. But, in this one, I'm just not getting into the war between the angels, humans and other beasties as much as I liked the first two. 

Audio book

Still working on Delirium. Along with the "too tired" to read last week, I didn't want to listen to the book to and from work last week. So I didn't get much farther in it.


Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein - (see last IMWAYR for the summary of the book). I really enjoyed this book. It was very suspenseful while Rose was in the concentration camp - even though you knew she made it out OK, there were times where you wondered if she was going to make it. It was also hard to conceive that she was only in the camp for six months. It's amazing how much brutality she had to face in such a short amount of time. I highly recommend this one. The author's website also has a lot more information about the real Rabbits who were experimented on at the camp.


I know in my reading life essay I said that I rarely abandon books. Well, it happened this week. I started reading Grave Mercy, one of the Iowa High School Award books, and it just wasn't clicking. I think it was more that I wasn't in the mood for it. So, I put it back to the side. I hope to pick it up soon again because I really do like to try to get those award books read.

Up Next

I realized I left this section off the last one. Of course, this one ends up changing quickly though. I'll think I want to read one book next and then completely change my mind.

Ashfall  by Mike Mullen - This has been in my to-be-read pile for quite a while. But, thanks to a lot of you mentioning it in your reading essays, I decided it needs to be moved up.

The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness - This is the final book in a trilogy I've really enjoyed, and it's been sitting on my Kindle for months, so it is time for it to get read!

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