Wednesday, November 4, 2015

NaNoWriMo Take Two

A few years ago, I tried to do NaNoWriMo. And I failed. I definitely did not hit my 50,000-word mark. Instead, I got 23,911 and 61 pages, which really is a decent accomplishment. And being a person who does not like to fail, I decided to try it again - as a total whim.

So, last time, I had a plan. I had ideas for characters and a very brief outline. That made life a smidge easier. This time, I decided to start it a day into the month with absolutely no pre-planning at all. I had a basic idea, but for the most part - I'm flying by the seat of my pants.

I'll be posting on my Twitter what my daily word count is. So far, I've actually caught up to where I should be, and once a week I'll be doing a check in here.

So here's to finishing (or at least getting more words than last time!).