Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Censorship = bad

Censorship = bad.

There's not other way to put it.

Knowledge shouldn't be kept away from people. The more viewpoints we have, the better place the world can become. Its like the notion of truth. No one person holds the real truth, but the more opinions and ideas we gather, the closer we can get to the real truth. The more knowledge we share, the more we can learn about each other and come to a better understanding. The more understanding we have, the less fighting/arguing/war mongering we have - and what's wrong with that?

When we censor or ban books, we're just stopping information. And we shouldn't do that. The forefathers of the country left Britain and fought for our independence so we wouldn't have to deal with that ever again. And why would we want to?

On the flip side, do these people have every right to complain, gripe, dislike, and even not read what they don't like? Most definitely. If they don't agree with it, they have the right to not acknowledge it. But, should they prevent others from NOT reading it? No - and that's where the issue lies. It is perfectly OK for you to not want to read something, but it isn't right to FORCE your ideals on someone else (that didn't work so well for Hitler, now did it?). But, telling people that they can't complain about it is just as bad as taking a book off the shelf. They're also protected under the First Amendment. Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it shouldn't be said. Because those disagreements also bring light or ideas to the forefront that others may not have thought of.

American was founded on the freedom of choice and we shouldn't try to change that. Students should be allowed to read what they want. Let them expand their minds. Let them explore. Let them find themselves. We aren't here to create robots, and if we fully control what they read, that's what we're doing.

I don't know about you, but the world in Fahrenheit 451 (yet another frequently banned/challenged book) didn't seem too appealing to me. So I say, let the kids read.

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