Today during your quick writes, I actually wrote a poem for almost every period (until my head starting hurting so much that thinking didn't help it). None of them are titled, and the last one is still a work in progress ... I just couldn't get the last stanzas where I wanted them and didn't think I fully finished it.
Head pounding
it won't stop
Have to keep going
but just want to sleep
Taken some Tylenol
No relief
Have drank plenty of water
Still no relief
Tried some caffeine
A little better
Still a dull throb
Right behind the eye
Just want it to stop
Want to not cringe
Light makes it worse
Makes me squinty
Movement adds pain
Sometimes makes me dizzy
Just hoping there's no sick
It helps - but ick
Head pounding
Please stop
Darkness never ends
It builds and builds
but never decreases
You're stuck in it
and can't escape
No matter how hard you fight
You don't want
to give in
to its pull.
But its impossible not
to fall into the hole
So, you just tumble down.
The abyss eats at you.
Drowns your soul.
But this never spits you out
It keeps eating
because it has to take it all
It keeps piling on
It never stops
It's not just figuratively
There's stacks and stacks
all around
Many of them
One of me
It doesn't work
Help would be nice
It will never come
Prioritizing takes more time -
time away from the piles
Time I could be lowering them
Instead they just
and grow
and grow
Their growth is:
Never ending
One day I fear
it will all collapse
and bury me.
No worries then.
Except --
A scary end.
Everything seems brighter
Moods have changed
You can see growth
Smells return
Not everything improves
Pollen flies around